Sharon Darmody Sharon Darmody

Are we Curious with ourselves? Are we kind?

When we are curious and kind to ourselves, I find it can give us a new and interesting perspective. Just that opportunity to stop, reflect and congratulate yourself on the tenacity it has taken to get you where you are I find not only benefits you from a self care perspective, but this pause also helps to review the path taken, and it may very well give you some ideas about how you can approach the path ahead.

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Sharon Darmody Sharon Darmody

Curiosity is a superpower in the workplace

The simple act of asking a question, thus getting a better idea of what is going on for the other person, is nothing short of transformational. This is why I see Curiosity as a superpower.

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Sharon Darmody Sharon Darmody

The Role of Rest in our Busy Working Lives

In a recent podcast, Ezra Klein interviewed Judith Shulevitz, whose book "The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time," explores the Sabbath and the idea of rest. 

Whilst their conversation considered rest in a number of contexts, it made me think about the role of rest in our working lives; living in a culture where rest is not valued.

So often with my clients, I will talk to them about what they do to reset or recharge after finishing a hard project or at the end of the day. We might chat about what they do to restore at the end of the working week. But do we talk about rest? Is it even in our workplace vocabulary at all? Not so much.

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Sharon Darmody Sharon Darmody

What does The Loneliness Epidemic mean for workplaces in the 21st century?

What does loneliness mean in the 21st century? Dr Michelle H Lim MAPS, Scientific Chair of the Australian Coalition to End Loneliness identifies it as the next public health epidemic of the 21st century. So how is it that being lonely can impact our health so significantly? The research in this area is compelling and is also a call to anybody interested in health and wellbeing in the workplace to sit up and pay attention to the Loneliness Epidemic.

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